The TomMC is oriented on system and scientifically substantiated ensuring of its activity and was initiator of creation of the Program of geological study, development and exploitation of the mineral raw material basis on the Tomsk oblast on period till 2025 in part of solid minerals and underground waters. The main program document for development of the mining complex is drawn up with participation of the best scientific and production geological organisations of Tomsk and Novosibirsk, under leadership of the SRIGG&MRM director academician Viktor S. Surkov.

On join meeting the scientific - technical council of the company and the Academic Council of the Tomsk Branch of the SRIGG&MRM accepted solution to restore department for solid minerals and hydromineral raw materials in the institute structure, considered the wide spectrum of problems of geology and exploitation of the mineral deposits in the Tomsk oblast and creation on their basis of industrial enterprises. Leadership of the TomMC and TB of the SRIGG&MRM prepare substantiation of subsequent reformation of the institute in the specialised geological - analytical centre at Administration of the Tomsk oblast for estimation of state, exploitation and development of the mineral raw material basis, as well as for elaboration of prospecting programs of development of the mining and oil - gas complexes.

Open discussion, complex approach, high professional level of participants of meeting allows to form the most real projects of exploitation of the mineral resources of region.

The following mining novation is of interest from point of view of practical realisation:

estimation of investment attractiveness of projects with use of market criteria (for example with use of "Ural-Mining-Invest" software); new priorities: complex use of extracted raw materials, deep processing of raw materials, nontraditional technologies; change of commodity output kind means transition from raw materials (concentrate) to finished production (articles); envieronment saving technologies.

In the field of EXTRACTION: underground exploitation of deposits with underground storing of the enrichment tails and stripped rocks; geotechnologies - the bore hoke mining of deeply lied natural rich little - strength ores, bore hole leaching, UHF - loosening of frozen rocks; complex use of stripped rocks and enrichment tails;

In the field of ENTRICHMENT: radiometric sorting and separation; fine dispersing micro ionisation of minerals; energetic action upon mineral to open the strength ores; reagents of directed action, increasing of flotation selectiveness; automated pneumopulsing flotation machines; high gradient magnet separators and apparatus, using combine action with application of centrifugial, magnethydrostatic, magnethydrodynamical and electric physical effects.

In the field of PROCESSING: hydro- and pirometallurgical remaking of complex ores; hot briquetting for metallurgy without blast - furnace; clay-powders; deep processing of quartz-containing raw materials in "solar" silicon (silicon carbide); processing of wastes of electronics and electrical engineering; cement production by dry method.

In the field of PRODUCTION OF ARTICLES: metal articles by method of metallurgy without - furnace; solar batteries and power complexes on their basis; glass articles; adsorbents and filters; abrasives; hydropressed (without firing) brick; building articles from nontraditional raw materials.

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