SCOBELSKY Vladimir Stanislavovich
Acting Chief Engineer
Assistant General Director for Production

Graduated the mining faculty of the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute by speciality "technology and complex mechanisation of exploitation of mineral deposits". From 1974 till 1984 he worked in open-pit coal mine of the Production Association "Ekibastuzugol" on posts of mining master, head of section, shop superintendant, Chief Technologists, Chief Engineer, Deputy Director for production and Director of open pit mine. From 1998 till 2001 he worked on post of head of quarrel in JSC "Zagorodnoye", Tomsk. He is decorated by medals "The Miner Glory" of II and III degrees.


PAROVINCHACK Yury Mikhailovich
Acting Chief Geologist -
Deputy General Director for Geology

He graduated the faculty of geological prospect and oil-gas extracting of the Tomsk Polytechnic University by speciality "Geology of oil and gas". From 1997 he worked in the Tomsk Branch of the SSRIGG&MRM on post of engineer-geologists, research worker of the laboratory of informatics. In 1999 he graduated the postgraduate course of the TPU and defended theses for the degree of the candidate of geological-mineralogical scienes. He was deputy director of the CJSC "Sibneftegazinnovatsiya" for introduction and commercialisation.


LOGINOV Sergey Mikhailovich
Chief Mine-Surveyor

He graduated the Tomsk motor car-road technical secondary school by speciality "Building and Exploitation of Motor - car Roads", then the Road - Building faculty of the Tomsk Architecture - Building Academy by speciality "the Motor - car Roads" in 1993. He worked on posts of master-land surveyor in specialised building departaments of the OJSC "Tomskneft", leading land surveyor in section of engineering building survey of the OJSC "Tomsk-NIPI-neft" of the "EOC", leading land surveyor of the mine-surveyor service of the OJSC "Tomskgazprom".


USENCO Alexander Ivanovich
Chief Technologists

He graduated the Irkutsk mining - metallurgical Institute by speciality "Enrichment of minerals". On the Zabaykalski Group of mining - enriching enterprises he went labour way from master to head of enriching factory, deputy chiefengineer for technology - head of technological section. He has 51 author certificates on inventions, 11 from them have been introduced, published more than 100 scientific works. Candidate of technical sciences. Honoured Technologists of the RF. The best inventor of the Minatom. He has the government awards: order "Sign of Honour", medals "For Distinguished Labour", "Veteran of Labour" as well as the branch ones "Excellentworker of socialist competition", "Winner of the 1973-1980 socialist competition", "Shock-worker of the 10-th five-year plan", "50 years of the atom branch".


SOKHAREV Sergey Mikhailovich
Chief Mechanician

He graduated the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute speciality "Machines and Apparatus of chemical productions". He worked in the JSC "Tomsk group of oilchemical enterprises" as master and deputy shop superintendant. On the experimental plant he worked as head of section of completing and chief mechanical of the plant. In service of technical supervision of Ministry of Chemical Machine Making on JSC "TGOCE" at assembling and start of the "Ethylene" and "Polyethylene" works he was leading specialist of chief - assembling works. From 1993 till 1995 he worked as the state inspector for chemical supervision of objects of the JSC "TGOCE", Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant, Plant of Rubber Shoes, ammoniac plants of Tomsk and Tomsk oblast productions, State mining supervision of the RF, the Tomsk OGTI. From 1997 till 2000 he worked as chief mechanician of the JSC "Tomskgazprom".

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